"Why Poland?!" Standup Comedy in ENGLISH with Jordan Thomas Gray
American standup comedian and TikTok celebrity Jordan Thomas Gray (@jordanthomasgray) brings fresh jokes, new songs, and plenty of wild expat interaction to Bydgoszcz!
Why would a New Yorker move to Poland? Get ready to laugh about everything from dating as a foreigner to aggressive babcias to escaping the dangerous wasteland that is the United States, just to end up in Poland! The show is a great opportunity to meet other English speakers and expats, so stick around afterwards for new friends and fun conversation.
The "Why Poland?!" show is new and improved! If you came to the last show in Bydgoszcz, you'll hear plenty of new and polished material!
Doors 7:30PM / Show 8PM
Crazy Early Bird Tickets: First 10 Tickets $7 or 30 PLN via BLIK
Early Bird Tickets: Next 10 Tickets $8 or 35 PLN via BLIK
Advance Tickets: Next 20 Tickets $9 or 40 PLN via BLIK
Regular Tickets / Door: 50 PLN or $12
Can’t pay in USD? Reserve an advance ticket by sending 40 PLN via BLIK to 797874858. See above for Early Bird Discounts. Include your name, email, and “Bydgoszcz” in the BLIK description. BLIK Tickets are 45 PLN the day of the show (before 7PM) and 50 PLN at the door (after 7PM). Simply show your BLIK transfer confirmation at the door for entry.
Have a few friends? Get 4 BLIK Tickets for only 120 PLN (30 PLN each)! Send 120 PLN via BLIK to 797874858. Put your name and "Bydgoszcz 4" in the BLIK description. Show your BLIK transfer confirmation at the door for entry.
Student BLIK tickets 30 PLN (with student ID). Put your name and "Bydgoszcz Student" in your BLIK description. Show your BLIK transfer confirmation at the door for entry.
Jordan Thomas Gray (@jordanthomasgray) is an American musician and comedian who lives in Warsaw for some reason. You might recognize Jordan because he is sorta kinda TikTok famous for mispronouncing Polish words. Typically accompanied by his electric guitar, Jordan brings a unique blend of music and humor to the stage and conveys a positive message through songs and stories. Jordan has performed comedy in the US and all over Europe, and was recently featured on an episode of HGTV’s House Hunters International. Jordan is co-founder of The Comedy Hole (@thecomedyhole), an English standup comedy collective in Warsaw.
This show will cover sensitive topics and adult themes. It is not intended for children (18+ only admitted).
If you have difficulty reserving a seat online, email Jordan at: jordan@jordangray.co for a reservation
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