Halloween Quiz and Party
ANSA Bydgoszcz has the pleasure of inviting YOU to the first quiz of the year!!
First we will have the quiz, and following that there will be a grand halloween-themed party.
So, dress in your scariest halloween costume- there will be prices for the best costume!!
The quiz will be helt at Eljazz Club, and it will cost 20zl per table to join the quiz. Therefore, it is important to withdraw CASH in advance to pay for the quiz. One of our members will collect the money, so it is important for you to remember this.
Safe room (trygge-rom) persons for this happening is:
Caroline Saabye: +48 517609310
Andrea Kobro: +47 90019833
You can contact these during the evening if you need anyone to talk to during the quiz and party.
We are so excited to see you all for a SPOOKtacular evening at ElJazz- in your halloween costume.
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