Saboteurs - warsztaty impro Antonio Vulpio
Warsztaty improwizacji teatralnej dla średniozaawansowanych i zaawansowanych improwizatorów.Prowadzenie: Antonio Vulpio - włoski improwizator, trener impro, aktor, reżyser z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem.
2 tematy do wyboru!
SOBOTA, 12 maja, godz. 17.00-20.00
Body language is powerful.
Sometimes we underestimate it, giving more credit to words and narrative.
Movements and expressions become less and less important for the narrative, to the point of being invisible to the actors.
The audience eventually witnesses a strange detachement between words and actions…
The aim of this workshop is to bring back the machine-body at the center of our expressive and narrative potential.
When the gestures are significant, the words becomes unnecessary.
NIEDZIELA, 13 maja, godz. 12.00-15.00
The ability to improvise allows us to appropriately react to the events that happen to us.
We improvise with what the world offers us, not the other way around.
When we discover improv for the first time, we are filled by the joyful magic we can create on stage.
I find it amazing that once we’re comfortable with the many "rules”, we are less present in the improv, and more absorbed with following these rules.
Too often we let ourselves be controlled by concepts, structures, and preconceptions, that rather than empower us, distract our attention from what really matters: being present in the moment.
That place of listening to your partner, the audience, and the situation.
In that moment we control only one thing.
Not our partner, nor our ability to follow the rules.
We can choose to allow our partner to surprise and challenge us.
In this workshop, we will change our point of view on the common "mistakes" of improv.
The goal is to consider them opportunities, and be inspired by them.
We just need to realize that we are connected and nothing can stop us.
Not even someone’s destructive offers.
We want to be surprised, we want to be provoked, and we want to be carried away with the joy of the unexpected.
BILETY (do kupienia w kasie MCK):
W cenie: 80 zł
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