16th Mózg Festival
International Festival of Contemporary Music and Visual Arts „Mózg Festival” is an encounter of artists who work and create in all areas of contemporary music as well as performance art and multimedia installations where music plays an important part.
Artists who participate in the festival come from all around the world. This reflects the multicultural principle of Mózg Festival and enables the audience to experience and understand different aspects of various cultures.
The festival presents the newest performance techniques and interdisciplinary combinations that relate to and honour tradition.
Among the invited artists there are outstanding characters from the artistic world as well as young artists, whose hitherto activity manifests uniqueness. We feel that an indispensable part of the festival is the participation of local artists who meet the above-mentioned expectations. All artistic activity is treated as means leading to deeper understanding of the surrounding reality and changes that occur in the world.
This year festival is held under a motto “Arts as a path to understanding”.
We believe that art, especially contemporary, is a tool that helps unlock hidden capabilites to understand everything that surrounds us. In other words, we think that art is not an objective in itself but a means to achieve certain goals and as such it plays an important social role. We assume that experiencing contemporary art that is often created during an artist’s performance allows anyone, who participates in the act of creation, both the audience and and creator, to expand their ability to think independently, which in turn consequently leads to the deeper understanding of self, people around and occurring situations.
The festival is multicultural as we believe that awareness of cultural difference and acceptance of these differences lies at the foundation of international understanding. An individual that experiences contemporary art on a daily basis and is equipped with knowledge about cultural differences that occur within the surrounding community and has a chance to live consciously among others, as a member of a developing multicultural civil society that is able to make decisions regarding themselves and fellow members of the community. Such person is rid of fears and full of understanding towards the needs of other people.