Noc Performance 2020
When you say YES, your whole body says YES. The entire spine is part of your YES. The same happens with NO. The stories of our bodies are different. The melodies of our bodies are different. It depends on what and how you breathe. Fatigue sometimes comes from this fight, which you are fighting hard inside or outside, from this resistance consistently put up for a long time, maybe sometimes even too long. And then you connect with what feeds you and lets you spin on the higher bands, that's what you live.
#yes #no #autonomicdecisions #self-massage #breath #smoothnessofskinandleaves #workingwithplants #feedoneselfwithgood #air
danka milewska / curator
6 pm
Dobrawa Borkała, Przytulia, happening, the courtyard of the Municipal Gallery bwa, 20 Gdańska St. | duration ~30 minutes
7 pm
Anarchopornoopór Collective, Death of the Patriarchy, the courtyard of the Municipal Gallery bwa, 20 Gdańska St., duration~1 hour 30 minutes