Bygoszcz JUG meetup #33
UWAGA: Mimo opisów w języku angielskim prezentacje odbędą się w języku polskim.
Tym razem Prelegentami będą:
Adam Warski
FP + relational databases = ?
Functional programming is an increasingly popular approach to writing and thinking about code. Is it also applicable to such daily programming tasks as accessing a relational database? Is it possible to work with transactions in a "functional" way? Yes! But what does it mean in practice? And is this any better than using JPA's or Spring's @Transactional?
In this live-coding session, we'll try to answer these questions, and demonstrate how the "functional" approach improves over the "traditional" one in three areas: working with multi-thread code, requiring a framework and precisely delimiting transaction boundaries.
We'll be focusing on one specific problem area, however the techniques that we'll use have broader applicability, and are often used to solve other problems as well.
About Adam
I am one of the co-founders of SoftwareMill, where I code mainly using Scala and other interesting technologies. I am involved in open-source projects, such as sttp, tapir, Quicklens, ElasticMQ and others. I have been a speaker at major conferences, such as JavaOne, LambdaConf, Devoxx and ScalaDays.
Apart from writing closed- and open-source software, in my free time I try to read the Internet on various (functional) programming-related subjects. Any ideas or insights usually end up with a blog (
Tomasz "szimano" Szymański
Senior Software Engineer afterlife - what sort of a career for a programmer
Are you a student wondering how to shape your career?
Are you a programmer who would like to be promoted?
Are you an ultra-architect and you feel that you have reached the ceiling?
What can someone who is already a Senior do on the market? How do large corporations deal with the problem of development and promotion, and how do small software houses deal with it? What options do we have at all? Are we able to compete at strictly technical positions with the Young Ambitious Team ;-)?
What do we need to gain on the way to be attractive on the labor market? How do you get that thing?
Everything is adorned with a totally biased, subjective assessment of my own. From the point of view of a guy who has been coding for the last 14 years to become ... someone else (you'll find out at the presentation).
Oh - and this won't just be an ex cathedra lecture - I will make you discuss with me.
About Tomasz
Founder and CEO of SoftwareMill. Software Developer with over 14 years of experience in commercial software development. Enthusiast of innovative technologies and management solutions. He's been an active Blockchain programmer for 3 years. He co-engineered one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in Europe. He built a 100% remote company when everyone was sceptic about dispersed teams. He introduced the rules of a teal organization before Frederica Laloux coined the term. Currently, he's working on solutions that are said to be too challenging for blockchain applications.
Sponsorem tego spotkania będzie SoftwareMill:
As SoftwareMill turns 10, let's celebrate!
We're happy to join Bydgoszcz JUG on the 16th of January, 2020;
SoftwareMill is a custom software development company. We have been delivering services remotely and worldwide for 10 years. Our specialisation is distributed systems, big data, blockchain, machine learning , and data analytics. We specialise in Scala, Kafka, Akka, and Cassandra, among other technologies. We focus on quality, self-improvement and a true engineering approach.
More about the celebrations and how to win tickets to our birthday community party:
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