Taking care of the "now" - warsztaty impro z Jonathanem Pittsem
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koszt: 150 zł za 4 h
zapisy: wymywammy@mck-bydgoszcz.pl
opis warsztatów:
Taking Care of the "Now"
If you take care of the "now" in any improv scene, the future always shows up as a great scene. If you don't take care of the "now", the future never shows up and the scene spins into quicksand. Using a deeply intuitive scenic process learned from the late Martin DeMatt, one that focuses on listening and responding, the students learn how to take care of the "now" by becoming fully invested in it. They also learn how to let go of worries about where the scene is going and instead learn to understand where the scene is right now.
Jonathan Pitts is a Chicago based award-winning international improv artist who has taught and performed in 18 countries and across the US. He's also the executive director of Chicago Improv Productions; co-founder of the Chicago Improv Festival, which he produced for 20 years; creator of the College Improv Tournament, which he produced for 10 years, and creator of Storybox, which he's done in 14 cities and 7 countries. He's played in over 1,250 improvised shows of almost every style, form and format. He taught at The Second City for 16 years and he's a contributing writer to their book on improv.
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