Virtual Little Animocje
Information from the Organizer:
Dear Beloved Viewers, cinema lovers,
In connection with the closing of the cinemas and the suspension of the 10th Animocje festival, we have prepared internet "projections" for you and your children. We searched our memory and the Internet to gather in one place the most interesting short animations available for young age and young at heart cinema lovers.
Two sets of films - suitable for ages 4+ and 7+ - were created, which in the form of playlists will be available to you on the given dates and times:
19.04. At 10.00 - 4+
Do you know what little bats do at night? Or what happens to lost socks? Can trams have adventures? The answers to these questions can be found in the first Virtual Small Animation set. However, this is not all. You will also meet many unique characters and their amazing adventures.
A small giraffe will find a friend with an exceptionally long neck, a small bird will have to deal with a caterpillar and a fox, and the house will set out to look for a family living in it. You will discover the extraordinary inhabitants of the exotic island and the peculiar sheep that parents are worried about. You will also meet characters from Greek mythology and a boy with a sombrero and a cheerful lama.
17.05. At 10.00 - 7+
More information soon.
Movies will be available in the form of a link to on the website and in the event and profile of Animocje on Facebook.
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